Best Math Tutor

What makes the best math tutor for a student?

There is no formula for finding the best math tutor for a student and I don’t presume to know the best traits needed for individuals but I have heard a number of complaints from students about teachers or tutors that did not work for them. Here are a few things that jump to mind:

A good listener

Unfortunately, students sometimes report that teachers will yell in class and simply repeat the explanations they have already tried. Alternative explanations can be very helpful and different students often need different explanations. Perhaps a student likes baseball and an explanation about mean (or often referred to as “average”) can be illustrated by a discussion of batting average.



Being a math tutor is sometimes an exercise in patience and restraint. When a tutor asks a student a question to test their understanding of a given concept, a tutor may be tempted to quickly answer for them. The pause that happens after a question is an important opportunity for the student to grow and they need to have adequate time to think things through.

I have heard stories of tutors pushing students to answer questions in a rushed manner and this is undoubtedly not a helpful approach. Students need to feel comfortable and not worried about failing. This is their opportunity to share all the areas they struggle and work to fill in those gaps of their understanding.

Best Math Tutor

Plato’s Academy, a mosaic in Pompeii.

Finding the best math tutor for a student is not always an easy task but is well worth the search as tutoring can help students improve their grades, their understanding of various concepts and boost their self confidence when it comes to learning in general. It can be very helpful to have conversations with prospective tutor to discuss how they deal with any concerns a parent my have.

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