Last Day of School

The weather has turned for the better, signalling the end of the school year is near. For kids in Seattle Public Schools, the last day of school is June 26. Originally planned from to be on the 23rd, the snow day in February pushed out the end of the year.

Sometimes the summer can feel busier than the regular year. Summer camps, summer classes and sports usually keep kids busy. Math is one subject where summer study, whether independent or in a class, can be very beneficial. Sometimes kids study to skip a grade level, other times it can be an opportunity for more exposure to upcoming topics.

If you want any pointers on the best workbooks or want to try tutoring, shoot me an email or give me a call. I’m always glad to offer any insights. We have more tutors available than are listed on the the tutors page. You can always reach me at schuyler at or (area code 206) 999 0666. Enjoy the sunshine!

Read Alexis A.‘s review of Seattle Tutoring Services on Yelp


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