Position title
Looking for math tutor job? Work in the Seattle area (especially North Seattle), typically be at a student's house, online, remote or other location, with a wide variety of ages but mostly middle school through high school. Minimum qualifications would be ability to tutor 8th grade algebra. Ability to tutor other subjects is a bonus. Experience working with kids as a babysitter, coach or teacher is desirable. Pay is 30 to 45 per hr depending on experience, subject and location of tutoring. You would be paid biweekly as an independent contractor and have the flexibility to accept or pass on opportunities. Hours may range from 0-5 hrs per week. You would also need to be able to pass a background check prior to working.
Please let me know of your ideal neighborhoods for work or if you only want remote work. Please submit interest direct to schuyler@tutoringservicesseattle.com -- resume not required.
Minimum ability is to tutor 8th grade math.